Yonex VCore Pro 97 – 310

Yonex continues to introduce upgrades to the most popular racquets they have produced recently and these new VCore Pro series is a great example of positive changes.

This series continues to be made in Japan and it is obvious in the consistency of their racquets.  The deep Forrest Green and Gold graphics creates a “strong” looking racquet which will appeal to players.

This model is the 310 gram (10.9 oz) version (unstrung)which gains about a ½ ounce when strung and presents a very usable 315 kg/cm² swing weight.  Right out of the box this will suit a lot of players.  Of course a little customization can be done if required.

When looking at racquets it is clear that this Yonex Series all look alike!  A closer look at the head will give you the weight and head size.

The 16×19 string pattern in the Isometric Head Shape creates a large “comfort zone” area and long main strings near the edge of the racquet face which contributes to that “comfort”.


Racquet ModelYonex VCore Pro 97 2019
Reference Tension55 lbs - 24.9 kg
Pro Evaluation String 1.20mm
Machine UsedTrue Tension Professional
ASPS, FlexFour65
Racquet Flex, RDC61 - After stringing
Racquet Flex, FlexFour46
Racquet - In Plane Stiffness368.1 lbs/Inch
Weight, Grams324
Weight, Ounces11.43

Balance, mm323
Balance, Inch12.72
Length, Cm68.5
Length, Inch26.968
Head Width9.55
Head Length12.54
Head Area, cm2607
Head Area, Sq. Inch97
Number of Main Strings16
Number of Cross Strings19
Ratio Cross/Mains.641
Main String Grid7.00
Cross String Grid9.75
Density (% of head filled with string).766
Average Cross String Space.542
Average Main String Space.438
Dynamic Tension, Kp, ERT33
Dynamic Tension, Lbs/in184.57
First Moment, Nm.804
Polar Moment329
Torsional Stability14
Swing Weight, Kg/cm2315
Swing Weight, Ounces11.11
Swing Weight Calculated338
Power, RDC48
Control, RDC50
Manueverability, RDC77
Power, Calculated 1807.7
Head Points6.14 (negative = head heavy)
Head Weight, %47.2%
Center of Percussion21.1
Dwell Time, ms9.09
Efective Stiffness - lbs27.2
K, Lb/In157.05
Recoil Weight156.18
Twist Weight221.85
End Weight 133.7
Tip Weight 190.6
9 O'Clock97.6
3 O'Clock95.9
Butt Cap131.1


Posted on October 29, 2019, in Demo, Inspiration, Juniors, Patterns, PEEK, Racquet Demo, Racquets - New, String Patterns, Technology, True Tension, Yonex and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Steven Klurfeld

    I very much appreciate the level of detail this site continues to provide.However one aspect of this information which is a little confusing is translating the values into relatable concepts.
    Firstly, I don’t have a good notion of what the scale, or parameters are for the data. Take “twist weight” for example. The value here is 221.85. is this based on a scale of 0-300, or 0-1,000?
    Additionally, I’m not sure what to do with this value, is a higher value better, or worse?

    I know that my wife’s diesel Golf, which gets 55 mpg has excellent fuel efficiency only because I’m familiar enough with the range in which that data exists.

    Thanks again for all the information, but I’m wondering if you can provide some context for the information

    • RacquetQuest

      Steve, that is a very good observation and one I tried to address some time ago. I will find the older post or post a new one soon!

Let us have your thoughts on this!