Ashaway Monogut ZX…Redux

If you are familiar with what we do at Racquet Quest you are, then, familiar with Ashaway Monogut ZX.  Monogut ZX and ZX Pro are mono-filament strings and are, incorrectly, assumed to be polyester.  They are not polyester strings!  Monogut ZX and ZX Pro have elongations in the 15% range compared to 5% for polyester based string.  Much more forgiving and powerful, therefore.

Ashaway MonoGut ZX Pro 1.22

Ashaway MonoGut ZX Pro 1.22

Monogut ZX is one in a series of polyetheretherkeytone or PEEK, or Zyex™ string and is quite possibly one of the best materials for tennis racquet string that has come to market in the last five (5) years.  Why, then, isn’t every racquet in the world strung with PEEK strings?

Just as with any product there may be bad applications.  With PEEK it is known that it does not respond well to shear loads. Those would be hits very close to the frame, and, typically, at the top of the string bed.  PEEK is not the only material that does not like this kind of “impulse” loading and it can happen to any string material, however, PEEK needs to be properly applied.

Shear Fail!

Shear Fail!

So, when I discuss string for a junior tournament player I find it helpful to ask about hitting history, current learning processes, and arm issues.  I like to know this history so I can get a feel for how many hours the player expects the string to last.  By knowing current learning status I can find out if the player is learning a new service motion or other stroke.  In a new learning situation it is more likely the string is going to be subjected to “mis-hits” and, therefore, premature failure.  If Monogut ZX is not a good fit for a full string bed, i.e. main strings, it is quite good for the cross string in a hybrid format.  I have not seen one mis-hit failure on a Monogut ZX cross string!

Monogut ZX and ZX Pro are very arm friendly strings, as is natural gut, and that is why I recommend them.  Monogut ZX is available in black and compliments any racquet.  Tan, as seen above is available as well for a more “natural” look.

So, if I ask about the “mis-hit” history it is not because I am being critical it is because I want to be certain the application is going to be a successful one.

Monogut ZX and AX Pro are not for juniors only!  Any player can benefit from the properties of this material but it is very important for juniors to protect the wrist, elbow and shoulder as they are growing and trying new things.

Posted on February 27, 2015, in Good News!. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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